The Rube Goldberg Plan
While watching the video Bryan showed us, I was thinking of how patient Peter and David were in creating this "machine". There were some parts that made me question physics. I don't understand how those tires were able to roll UP the horizontal ladder. So much science involved in the process. Not the best picture of my sketch but the fastest way I can put it on here. Now let me explain: The machine starts off with a light colored ball, goes forward to a slide then hits 3 "dominos" which hits the dark colored ball. The dark ball will then go to the bridge (the weight of the ball will make the bridge horizontal. maybe just one bridge instead of two) and proceeds to the next platform. The ball falls down to another slide and hits a watering can that pours out water for the seeds. The seeds will grow a plant and one of the plants will hit the bridge looking thing which causes a ball to drop. The ball drops to the stairs then goes to the...