
Final Thoughts

     I'm honestly so annoyed at this and at myself. The burnout is annoying me. So close to the end of the semester and here I am putting this class behind the others. I am grateful for the Unity lessons however I think the semester went by too fast. 9 weeks were spent on Processing but only 4 weeks to learn Unity. As someone who took a MADT 202, I was able to familiarize with Processing so I don't think the nine weeks for it was suitable(I'm not sure if this is the right word) but then again my works were not the best presentation of what I can do and it would be unfair for those who have no experience with Processing at all to just jump on more than basic stuff for coding.      I realized after making my first Unity project that it takes a lot of time and different learning methods to understand this software. I'm grateful for the great community it has and the various content creators who have published tutorials for it online. In my experience, I feel m...

What is happening

      I was trying to make some changes from my plans for my project. The same concept just different assets. But when I tried to see if it worked, everything was....not working. These assets don't even have scripts yet and they're being annoying.      I added a physics material on the road and added a mesh collider for the kegels(bowling pins) but it still doesn't work the way I wanted it to work.     I'm not quite sure what to do at this point and I'm a bit frustrated. 

The Rube Goldberg Plan

           While watching the video Bryan showed us, I was thinking of how patient Peter and David were in creating this "machine". There were some parts that made me question physics. I don't understand how those tires were able to roll UP the horizontal ladder. So much science involved in the process.     Not the best picture of my sketch but the fastest way I can put it on here. Now let me explain: The machine starts off with a light colored ball, goes forward to a slide then hits 3 "dominos" which hits the dark colored ball. The dark ball will then go to the bridge (the weight of the ball will make the bridge horizontal. maybe just one bridge instead of two) and proceeds to the next platform. The ball falls down to another slide and hits a watering can that pours out water for the seeds. The seeds will grow a plant and one of the plants will hit the bridge looking thing which causes a ball to drop. The ball drops to the stairs then goes to the...

Learning UNITY (Kinetic Sequence): Two Friends Helping out Romeo

                This is my first time using Unity and I'm not gonna lie, it was pretty daunting at first but I think I got the hang of it. I was able to understand it more and I'm also glad it was a tiny bit similar to Processing when it comes to scripting.                     I wanted to make a short wholesome story of two friends (blue spheres) helping out Romeo (red sphere) to make a move on Juliet (green sphere). When Romeo gives Juliet a kiss, a heart pops up behind them!               I have 12 objects with rigidbodies and 3 collision scripts (small blue sphere hitting 1st capsule, last cylinder colliding with cube and when Romeo kisses Juliet). I played around with the rendering mode of the materials and added another directional light to have less shadows. I also customized the skybox in the camera's inspector. The heart objec...

Do You Really Want to Wake Her Up?

Since it's spooky season, for this project, I wanted to create some sort of jump scare that triggers when you click your mouse. I encountered some problems with the audio but it was resolved after talking to Jeruel about it. I was just missing a curly bracket. That was it. That fixed the audio. The missing curly bracket.  The goal was met however I still felt like it lacked something especially when the mouse isn't clicked. I was trying to put some stars on the background but I didn't have enough time to understand the coding part. There are a lot of codes on Openprocessing but I have to really analyze it before I slap it on my own code.  I drew the illustration of the girl sleeping and for the sheep, I found it on Google  . For the music, I used a portion of  「マトリョシカ」HACHI / MATORYOSHKA  then used Audacity to cut some of the audio out. Here is the code: After seeing what my other colleagues have made, I feel like my code isn't as...

The Nervous Impostor

I've been playing Among Us these past few weeks to relieve myself from the world going to shit panic so I decided to draw a crewmate getting nervous because he is bad at being impostor. I think I did the code right(?) but I can't change the size (has to be 100) or it will mess up the sizes of individual shapes, like what happened to the crewmate that follows your mouse.  

Stars and Hearts

            I didn't know where to start for today's Processing blog. Calgary weather has been making me sick physically and mentally empty(not really). I read the chapters from last week's lecture and wanted to do spirals and colour changes.  While doing this code, I realized that the heart shape is staring at its original xy axis. I'm not quite sure how to stop that from appearing before the mouse.